By Chris Cade:
Most of the time I'm writing about new mindset shifts. Ways we can look at the world differently.
Today I'm taking a slight departure from that to give you some very
quick and actionable strategies to get each day started off on the right
foot. They don't take much time, and they really do support me in
living an awesome life.
And since I'm all about supporting you in living an awesome life, that's why I want to share them with you :)
Here you go...
#1: Drink a glass of water FIRST thing in the morning
No, not 10 minutes or 20 minutes later. Before I go to sleep each
night, I fill a glass of water and place it next to my bed. As soon as I
wake up, I drink the whole thing. I started with a half-glass, and have
worked my way up to anywhere between a full 12oz glass and my 27oz
water bottle.
Throughout the night we expel water with every breath and literally
become dehydrated. The negative effects of dehydration on the brain are
well documented and impair both short-term and long-term memory. When
we're deh ydrated, our head feels foggy and we feel tired. In fact, it
sometimes feels like a hangover even if we haven't been drinking at all.
Unfortunately, most people who feel tired when they wake up reach
for a cup of coffee for the caffeine. This is actually the worst
decision people can make first thing in the morning because the caffeine
dehydrates them even MORE. Then the vicious cycle is created of
wanting more coffee to feel awake and dehydrating further.
My advice is simple...
Drink one glass of water first thing in the morning. Do this for 30
days, then try going a day without it. You'll feel the "hangover"
instantly and truly understand what you've been doing to your body -your
entire life- by not drinking water first thing in the morning.
And you don't have to give up your coffee, either. All I'm
suggesting is *first* get that 6oz (or more) glass of water in you
before doing anything else. Then if you still want that coffee with
breakfast, drink it. At least then you'll be helping hydrate your brain
and body while minimizing the dehydrating effects of the caffeine in
your coffee.
#2: Do something that feels good
Each morning upon waking, my son comes in and we curl up for a few
minutes before starting the day. Chemically, this causes each of our
bodies to release good feeling endorphins - oxytocin and others, just
like dark chocolate and exercise do.
For each of us, that "feel good" something can be different. Maybe
for you it's writing down or thinking about a few things you're grateful
for. What a great way to start the day!
For another, it might be watching the sunrise. Or a hug from a loved one. Or a meditation.
It doesn't matter what it is. Just each day for at least a few seconds...
(really, it doesn't have to be long, though longer is better!)
Do something that feels emotionally and physically good - that
releases positive endorphin - and you'll instantly start your day off on
the right food!
#3: Avoid TV & News in the morning
It's no mystery that most of our news and media is filled with
negative stories. Unfortunately, many peoples' first inclination in the
morning is to watch the news or read the paper (physical, online, or on
the radio while driving to work) so they can know what's happening in
the world.
While I personally avoid as much news as possible, at the very least
*I beg you* to please grant yourself a morning break from the news.
Starting your day off with negativity, even if you don't consciously
notice it, it does impact your consciousness and the quality of your
And if you absolutely must "stay informed" then just wait an hour or
two before you check it out. Give yourself a chance to actually wake up
and enjoy your day before you expose yourself to the harshness of our
Or you can just subscribe to something like the "Good News Network"
and make sure that if you're going to be reading news first thing in the
morning, it's good news. ;)
(I love their newsletter!)
Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed these quick tips to start your day off right!
If you do these 3 simple things for just 30 days you will experience
BIG shifts in how your days go. The way you wake up each day is what
sets the momentum for the rest of your day. It's always your choice - my
hope is that these 3 quick tips (that don't take almost any time) will
help you kickstart your day right and create positive momentum that
helps you live an optimal life.
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