A while back I was watching a wonderful movie, Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
There was a scene where several invisible characters are telling a girl to speak a "spell that makes the unseen... seen."
And it got me to thinking...
What exactly does that mean? In the context of the movie, the answer
is simple: It's a spell that makes invisible people become visible.
What I find interesting is how it relates to our daily lives. For example...
How often do our thoughts go unexamined?
Reactions and historical conditioning drive the majority of our
lives. That quick snap judgment without knowing the full situation, a
moment of anger when we lack the full picture, eating the same meal day
after day and driving the same path to work, and replaying the same
relationship dynamics with each new partner...
All expecting different results but not really seeing any lasting, meaningful changes.
Those are all examples of unexamined thoughts directing our actions.
In a way, you could think of those thoughts as "unseen." The benefits
are that we don't have to think as much.
To the Inner Critic and our egos, life seems "easier" this way. That
isn't necessarily true. It's just more "comfortable" to the unseen
aspects of our subconscious minds.
As the scene progresses in the movie, the girl chants the spell that "Makes the Unseen Seen."
Immediately, all the seemingly savage invisible beasts reveal
themselves as small, insecure, and fearful one-legged creatures. The
warriors that those previously invisible creatures were attacking
suddenly start making fun of the creatures... realizing how ridiculous
it is that these warriors were afraid of creatures with so little power
in the world.
That's exactly what happens when we take time to live consciously and examine our thoughts.
It's what happens when we stop taking the "shoulda, woulda, coulda"
and the doubts, criticisms, and insecurities so seriously. We realize
how ridiculous it is that we were scared of the "unseen" thoughts that
used to dictate our actions, and consequently, our lives.
Since life isn't a movie, fortunately it doesn't require a spell to start working in our lives. :)
All it takes is a genuine desire to see, a map and a guide to
support you in walking the paths on that map, and just a little bit (not
a lot) of action.
Chris Cade
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