Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Novena to St. Dominic Savio - Day 6 (May 2)

Sixth day
“As he who has called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct. Conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile.” (1 Pt, 15.17)

A “Saint” means being a “Real Christian”
By now, Dominic has been in the Oratory for six months. He had returned after the winter break and it was now spring and the playfields of the Oratory had tall grass growing in them and swallows were flying around.
During that spring of 1855 Dominic began to daydream.
This was how it went. On the first Sunday of April Don Bosco had given a talk to his boys: they were always beautiful sermons and everyone listened willingly to his lively and vivid narrations on topics that were easy to understand.
That Sunday Don Bosco spoke about holiness and he divided his talk into three points:
1) It is God’s will that we should be saints.
2) It is very easy to become a saint.
3) In heaven a great reward awaits those who become saints.
From that moment Dominic began to dream about holiness. He went up to Don Bosco and said: “I want to become a saint. But I don’t know what to do, how should I behave?”
Don Bosco smiled. Dominic was already well on the way to holiness, even if he was unaware of it. He told him:
- When your mom wants to bake a cake she takes three things (flour, eggs and butter) and mixes them well together. If you want to become a saint you have to mix well three things in your life.
Here they are:
First: Cheerfulness. Whatever disturbs you and robs you of your peace does not come from the Lord; this is not the cheerfulness of scoundrels but the joy that comes from being at peace with God and with others
Second: your duty of study and prayer. Attention in school, commitment to study, commitment to prayer. None of this is done out of pride or to receive the praise of others but out of love for the Lord and to become a real man.
Third: help others. Always help your companions even at the cost of sacrifice. That’s holiness.
Being “holy” means becoming a “true Christian.” And a “real” Christian is one who knows Jesus and loves him and tries to live like him.
Dominic thought about the above. It was fine doing one’s duty towards God and towards one’s studies; that seemed to be okay. But there was a third thing that had to be “mixed well together” was “helping others to be good.”
That was really necessary. In those days Don Bosco had no helpers to help to keep the youngsters cheerful in the playground and away from danger and bad talk. In addition, the playground at the Oratory was in the open countryside and those who wished to get in, even to hurt the boys, had only to pass through the gate which Don Bosco often left open.
One day, at the height of the recreation a well-dressed gentleman appeared at the edge of the playground with a walking stick and a bowler hat. He eyed a group of youngsters and resolutely walked towards them. While some were beginning to look at him cautiously and out of curiosity he began talking loudly and attracting the attention of those who were playing further afield.
Within minutes he had around him a small crowd. The distinguished gentleman then began to have a real conversation with them speaking ill about the Pope, priests and Religion. Dominic Savio reached the group. He was listening and he made his way to get right under the nose of that distinguished gentlemen. Then he turned and faced his
companions and shouted:
- Come along! Don’t you see this unfortunate gentleman wants to steal your souls? Let’s go play and leave him alone!
One day a youngster happened to bring to the Oratory an illustrated magazine with indecent pictures in it. Very soon two or three others gathered around him and then others joined in and looked on and laughed.
Dominic was passing by and he came up. He made his way to the centre and snatched the magazine from the owner’s hand and tore it up. The youngster wanted to protest but Dominic did not give him time, he protested first.
- This is not acceptable! This is so wrong. Indecent stuff like this mustn’t enter our house! Don Bosco spends his life for us and he helps us to study and you bring into the house these ‘things’! Aren’t you ashamed?
- But he just laughed.
- Do you want to go to hell laughing?
- But in the end, what’s wrong?
Dominic became serious:
- Do you not find looking at these things harmful? It only means that you are used to looking at them.
No one dared protest. They all went back to their games while the wind dispersed the shreds of the magazine across the countryside.

Time for Reflection
Don Bosco taught his boys: “Jesus is our model, our life, our example in everything.” Dominic Savio had taken these words seriously. He had taken Jesus as his model and become a real Christian, a saint.
Since Dominic was still very young and did not know the whole Gospel, Don Bosco gave him a formula for holiness (that is for living real Christianity) that was very simple for a boy to understand the whole Gospel: joy that is born of peace with God and with others; fidelity to one’s duty of study and prayer; doing good to others. This is a formula that’s good for you too. Would you want to try to apply this in your life?

Moment of prayer
Saint Dominic Savio, you became a saint in no time, a true Christian. Help me also to know and love Jesus and take him as my model throughout life even in difficult times.


Dear St Dominic, help me to convince myself that CONFESSION is the Sacrament of God’s love.  No matter how bad I may have been, Jesus is waiting for me in the secrecy of the confessional, ready to forgive me.  Teach me to confess my sins properly, humbly, sincerely with a true purpose of amendment.  Like you, may I profit by my confessor’s advice to avoid the occasions of sin and to grow in holiness and sanctity.  Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be,
St Dominic Savio, Pray for us.

*Practice*: ​Prepare to make a good confession.

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