Wednesday, March 6, 2013

40 Days of Lent - Day 20

Day 20~We will run and not grow weary, for our God Will Be Our Strength
March 4, 2013
Father Joseph and Terri are praying at the 10 am on Mondays~
Thank you for your faithful witness!

For the last hour, the 5 PM, we have Arlette and Howard, freezing for LIFE!

In spite of all physical discomforts, there is a JOY in doing God's work!
Thank you, Arlette and Howard.
 I am sorry this is a day late, for we celebrate we are at the MIDPOINT!!
I came down with fever but, feeling much better!
Please call these numbers regarding your opposition to the Reproductive Health Act.
Nothing to do we reproducing or health and everything to do with more money for abortions and Planned Parenthood.
Very important for you to call and ask others to call regarding the Reproduction Health Act-
First call Governor Cuomo
Be respectful- 518-474-8390
Please call Senator Carlucci
Please call Assemblywoman Jaffee
Assembyman Zebrowski
Assemblyman Skoufis
All the above elected are supportive of partial birth abortion ( infanticide) -late term abortion
A medical Dr. Will not have to do the late term abortions- extremely dangerous for the pregnant Mom
Force Catholic hospitals, Catholic Charities to refer, do abortions or be sued for discrimination
Will increase abortions in New York State-
already 33% of all NYS pregnancies end in abortion with 40% in NYC.
Lord, we come to You~ MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE!
Once you call, please pass this information to 10 other people that will spread the word. Ask if they will call 10 people. We believe in miracles.
For Life,
Eileen Peterson

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