Monday, March 11, 2013

40 Days of Lent - Day 26

Day 26~ All The Ends of the Earth, Have Seen the Saving Power of God!
Parking at Rockland Community College for the Youthfest, I saw this sticker and knew I was among friends.
Then, I walked into the building and saw Planned Parenthood's Van to the right of the entrance- No booth for them this year-
A table was set up along side the van~
The picture is blurry, but there are pamphlets on the table, some of pornographic nature.
The response was to witness outside the entrance of Rockland Community College for three hours~

Many motorists thanked me for being there~

(on the cell phone with Peggy) Some minorities did not realize that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, wanted to stop them from reproducing which is why they are located in Spring Valley, NY.

Women and men assured me they would check out the u tube video- blood money, so that they could see for themselves the real goal of Planned Parenthood~

(thanks to JOHN for the above three pictures)
Interestingly enough, there was a police car that stopped for 5 minutes at about 2:30 PM and then took off~
Just before 3 PM, a sheriff car turned into the entrance and kept on going.
Basically, Law Enforcement let the message be seen and heard.
Thank you to all for taking the hours at the Planned Parenthood prayer site. Educating with love is what we are called to do.
God Bless You.
Eileen Peterson

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